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imagen del caudalímetro por ultrasonidos FLOWSIC900

Caudalímetro por ultrasonidos FLOWSIC900

Contadores del caudal por ultrasonidos para la medición fiscal de gas natural licuado (GNL)

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  • Principio de medida

    Ultrasonic transit time difference measurement

  • Measured variables

    Volume a. c., volumetric flow a. c., Fluid velocity, Speed of sound

  • Measuring Medium

    LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)

  • Repeatability

    ≤ ± 0.05 % of the measured value

  • Accuracy

    Typical error limits Qmin ... Qmax
    ≤ ±0.2 % of reading
    After flow calibration and adjustment

  • Operating pressure range

    0 bar (g) ... 19 bar (g) / 0 psi(g) … 275 psi(g)

  • Nominal pipe size

    8 ″ ... 36 ″
    DN200 ... DN900, Schedule 40S/STD acc. ASME B36.19 / B36.10, others on request

  • Metrological approvals and certificates

    OIML R117 Class 0.3
    Explosion protection:
    IECEx: IEC 60079
    cCSA: CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079
    CSAus: UL 60079, UL 61010, UL 1203, FM3600
    Pressure rating:
    ASME: B16.5/B16.47, B36.19/B36.10
    Other: API MPMS Ch. 5.8
    For details see operating instructions

  • Hazardous area approvals

    Ex db ia [ia Ga] IIA T4 Gb
    Class I, Division 2, Group D T4
    Ex db ia [ia Ga] IIA T4 Gb
    Class I, Zone 1, AEx db ia [ia Ga] IIA T4 Gb
    Class I, Division 1, Group D T4

  • Digital Outputs

    2 Digital output/Frequency output:
    Others on request

  • Digital communication

    Modbus RS-485 (2x)
    Modbus RTU/ASCII