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An automated system for pH measurements at AVR

Efficient measurement with Liquiline CDC90

AVR Waste in Botlek, Rotterdam, processes up to 1.7 million tons of residual waste per year. The waste is converted into raw materials and energy using a wide range of processes, which involve a lot of monitoring and regulation.

Employees of AVR in the Netherlands ©Endress+Hauser

Richard Kooijmans and Hadji Cifci from AVR

Waste treatment plant in Botlek, Rotterdam ©Endress+Hauser

Waste treatment plant in Botlek, Rotterdam

Richard Kooijmans and Hadji Cifci from AVR


  • Strong reduction of maintenance effort with improved work safety

  • Optimizing the yield and quality of the process

  • Ability to control measurement points remotely via any process control system or mobile device

Richard Kooijmans

We had to replace a sensor every two days, now it’s only once every eight months. So, we save a lot of man hours. The quality of the water treatment has improved too, which is an unbelievably big win.

Richard Kooijman, Process Engineer
AVR Waste

The challenge

Kooijmans says “With our processes –particularly water treatment – you get lots of scaling, a big build-up of scale that causes the sensors to get stuck in the fixtures. In practice, 99% of our consumption is purely due to (sensors) breakages when changing . They break off or fall while being handled. Some 18,000 man hours are involved in total!”

Savings for the company

To bring down the consumption of pH sensors and automate the process of calibration and cleaning, a fully automated system, the Liquiline Control CDC90, was installed.Kooijmans says “Now, alternating pH sensors are cleaned every four hours. Before, we had to replace a sensor every two days, now it’s only once every eight months. So, we save a lot of man hours and are saved from what is just a messy job. The quality of the water treatment has improved too, which is an unbelievably big win.”

  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Technical excellence


  • Standard products

  • Reliable, robust and low-maintenance

Technical excellence


  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


  • Specialized products

  • Designed for demanding applications

Technical excellence



FLEX selections Technical excellence Simplicity
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Meet your basic measurement needs

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Handle your core processes easily

Technical excellence
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Optimize your processes with innovative technologies

Technical excellence
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  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Master your most challenging applications

Technical excellence
