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Paddle switch level measurement

Point level detection in bulk solids

Paddle switch level
3 Products
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Phase out policy

Endress+Hauser are committed to the long term support of all our products

We undertake support and service for our products for a period of ten years after notice of product withdrawal (until spareparts are not available any more)

However we reserve us the right to offer alternative solutions including replacement products if deemed more appropriated.

Product status

Product root FTE30
Name Point level switch Soliswitch FTE30 rotary paddle switch
Product status In phase out
Phase out date 2/2024
Order stop 9/2025
Spare sensor until not applicable
Calibration until not applicable
Spares available 3/2031
Repair until not applicable
New alternative FTE20
Maintenance advice

Phase out policy

Endress+Hauser are committed to the long term support of all our products

We undertake support and service for our products for a period of ten years after notice of product withdrawal (until spareparts are not available any more)

However we reserve us the right to offer alternative solutions including replacement products if deemed more appropriated.

Product status

Product root FTE31
Name Point level switch Soliswitch FTE31 Rotary paddle switch
Product status In phase out
Phase out date 2/2024
Order stop 9/2025
Spare sensor until not applicable
Calibration until not applicable
Spares available 3/2031
Repair until not applicable
New alternative FTE20
Maintenance advice

Paddle switch level measurement

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About paddle switch level measurement

The universally usable paddle point level switch Soliswitch is deployed as a full, empty and requirement alarm in silos with bulk solids. Check out the range of Soliswitch devices for bulk solid applications and click on the button below.

Different variants of paddle switches for point level detection in bulk materials are available. The robust polymer housing and compact design makes it an ideal sensor for full, empty and demand alarm in applications with bulk solids. The optimized materials make the unit outstandingly robust and therefore suitable for use in dust explosive areas. It is ideal for flowing bulk solids up to a grain size of 50mm (2”).

Paddle switch measurement: Measuring Principle

The rotation of the paddle is stopped as it is covered by solids. This actuates a relay.


  • Measuring principle for simple applications
  • No calibration required