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  • History

Production availability extended

Centauri Technologies LP minimized maintenance and costs

Centauri is specialized in customized batch processes and their flexibility is apparent in high batch cycles and medium changes. A batch runs between a few days and several months, and between every batch, the vessel has to be cleaned to avoid contamination and safety risks caused by chemicals reactions. Complete cleaning is necessary in case of maintenance work. The reactor for special chemicals frequently caused control issues since measurements with capillary systems did not work properly.

Distillation column of Centauri Technologies LP ©CentauriTechnologyLP

The results

  • Greater process availability and reliability by eliminating temperature effects in measurements

  • Lowest total cost of ownership due to reduced installation time, maintenance and spare part requirements

  • The production output has increased due to the improvement of the process control

Don Vanderslice from Centauri Technologies LP.

“Installed in 10 minutes – just flanged it up and wired it - and all my problems were gone."

Mr. Don Vanderslice, Operations Manager
Centauri Technologies LP

Customer challenge

Varying ambient temperatures jeopardized measurements reliability. The oil filling in the capillaries expanded and created an increasing output signal independently of any level change in the distillation column. Furthermore, the mechanical and thermal impact destroyed the capillaries every 4 to 6 months. Consequences were not only an unreliable process control but also at least one day of production loss due to maintenance work required every 4 to 6 months to replace the whole capillary system.

Our solution

  • Deltabar FMD72 electronic dp solution with metal cells replaced the inferior capillary system

  • Level calculation from two values of the sensor modules within the transmitter

Solution details

Due to the problems mentioned, Centauri decided to use Deltabar FMD72 electronic dp, which eliminates all of the typical issues with traditional differential pressure measurements using capillaries. Since the installation, it has never been touched again for maintenance as the reliability of the system is outstanding. Centauri is also pleased with the modular concept compared to capillary systems because individual sensor parts and electronics can be exchanged in case of need.

Production capacity extended

Thanks to the elimination of production shutdowns for capillary maintenance, Centauri has extended their production capacity by at least 3 days per year which results in cost savings of several thousand US dollars.

Because of this positive experience, Don Vanderslice - Operations Manager Centauri Technologies LP - would like to avoid any further use of capillary systems in these applications and will choose the Deltabar FMD72 electronic dp any time.


Level measurement in a distillation column

  • Height: 24ft (7m)

  • 15 to 20psi (1 to 1.5bar)

  • Process temperature: Ambient temperature 40°F to 130°F (5°C to 55°C)